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Do more with less

Patients are returning and their expectations for healthcare are rising – but resources are more constrained than ever before. You need to work smarter, not harder.

Streamline operations across your health system to improve patient satisfaction and cut costs – all without adding to care team workload and nursing activity.

Group 1239
Save 30 minutes of work a day by streamlining nursing workflows
Group 849 1
Decrease healthcare staff turnover 39% with staff rounding
Group 1244
Improve HCAHPS Scores 2-4% and reduce healthcare-associated infections
Operate more efficiently, improve patient satisfaction and generate loyalty now
Locations Akron Childrens
Akron Children’s Hospital scaled their rounding program across 100 locations in just 4 days

With the app, we are able to support nurse accountability for rounds, but even more importantly, we are providing the healthcare services patients and families need quickly.”

Joy Burt
Patient Experience Improvement Manager
Akron Children’s Hospital
Client Logos Akron Childrens

CipherHealth’s automated clinical workflows and tools facilitate meaningful staff check-ins and improve nursing care delivery and staff engagement.

Streamline operations and reduce staff overload to improve patient satisfaction today