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What’s Needed for a Successful COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout?

Couple post COVID-19 vaccine

What’s needed for a successful rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines? In this article from Managed Healthcare Executive, CipherHealth’s Chief Nursing Officer, Lisa Romano, speaks with Dan Rodriguez, R.Ph, BS, Pharm, about how national and independent pharmacies will be integral to the process as they already have systems in place from their experience administering flu and other vaccines.  “All that’s missing is the information they need to communicate to their communities (where, when, safety precautions, side effects, etc.), as well as direction from federal and state authorities.”


Everyone will have a different confidence level based on their experience with vaccines in the past, and their comfort level with their local hospital, pharmacy chain or pharmacy. But once we get to the point where there are enough vaccines, Dan Rodriguez, R.Ph, BS, Pharm, believes “this process will run like a flu clinic – I don’t think there’s going to be that level of distrust or unease.”

As a nurse for over 30 years, I’ll admit I was frustrated when my 81-year-old mother asked me what should be simple questions about how and when she should get the COVID-19 vaccine. Which vaccine is best? Can I trust the distribution process? Should I go to a hospital or pharmacy? When can I get the vaccine and where?

Currently in many states, anyone over 65 is currently eligible to receive the vaccine, but with decentralized operations varying from state to state, and initial supplies running lower than expected, many concerns are rising within this age group, in particular, and other age groups. Dan Rodriguez, R.Ph, BS, Pharm, a healthcare thought leader/strategist, facilitator of pharmacist training programs and provider of “medication management education” for patients, sheds some light on these questions from a pharmacist’s perspective.

In short, Rodriguez believes what’s needed for hospitals and pharmacies to administer the COVID-19 vaccines safely is a laser focus on operations and organization, and the “OK” from federal or state authorities.

Read the full article at Managed Healthcare Executive.

For more on how CipherHealth is helping hospitals manage their COVID-19 vaccine rollout, see our COVID-19 Vaccination Communications solutions.





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