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How to Win Patients In Today’s Healthcare Landscape

CipherHealth CEO Jake Pyles shares insights from a patient experience executive in the Northwest, and how she views the industry’s need to understand patients: “We need to figure out consumerism before Amazon figures out healthcare.” He also offers a solution: build a network understanding of patients to create loyalty. Watch now.

Understanding the Patient

CipherHealth CEO Jake Pyles: I had a conversation with an executive up in the northwest a few months ago and she said two different interesting things, both local companies to the area that she was in. One was she made this statement that I thought was very telling: “Why when we enter Starbucks does a barista know more about me as a customer than my doctor does as a patient?” and I thought that was very telling about how they see themselves in terms of understanding the patient.

How Health Systems Can Respond to Consumerism

CipherHealth CEO Jake Pyles: She also made a statement about Amazon and Amazon Care and the initiative that Amazon is kicking off there has a lot of people’s eyes open but she said “We as a healthcare system better figure out consumerism before Amazon figures out healthcare” and I think that, I’ve told many C-suite executives in healthcare systems is we begin to build that network understanding around a patient, that’s a way for you to create loyalty to you as a system.