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Population Health

Achieve better outcomes at a lower cost

Managing the population health of your community is a tough job for any healthcare organization. Doing so at scale as healthcare management and care delivery models change is a tougher one.

Drive more effective patient engagement across integrated care settings to improve health outcomes and patient satisfaction – all while reducing healthcare costs.

Group 849 1
Decrease no-show rates 15% with automated appointment reminders
Group 1257
Reach 46% more patients post-discharge using both text and call-based outreach
Group 857
Increase cancer screenings 78% with preventive patient care reminders

Get your patients more engaged in their health management

Locations Penn Medicine

Penn Medicine reached
1.2M patients
using automated appointment reminders

Our goal was to reduce readmission rates and we knew that if we wanted to achieve this goal, we would have to engage with patients to ensure they are on a path to a successful recovery. Since partnering with CipherHealth we have seen a tremendous impact both on our patients and our staff time.”

Danielle Flynn, MSN, RN
Director of Caring Way
University of Pennsylvania Home Health Agency
Client Logos Penn Med
CipherHealth’s patient engagement platform helps you with care coordination, closing care gaps and managing at-risk and vulnerable populations, no matter where your patients are.

Deliver the right care to the right person at the right time