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Hospital Community Communications

Promptly communicate news and updates on a large-scale
Screen Community 2

Broadcast community-wide health notifications
and drive patient portal utilization.

Effectively communicate en masse

Deploy messages and updates via automated texts or calls to ensure all your patients are reached and kept up to date on essential information about COVID-19, flu shot awareness and more with our healthcare communication system.

Improve consumer engagement

Encourage patients to take an active role in their own care with convenient, relevant communication on a range of topics including provider assignments, patient portal access, medical records, and prescription refills. 

Personalize your messages

Refine communications to be population-specific and easily send ad-hoc messages at scale by using digital tools and saving time for your medical staff.

Analyze data for more informed decisions

Monitor activity by volume of messages sent and deliverability rates, plus filter reports by customized criteria to highlight trends over time.

Maximize your EHR investment

Ensure delivery of  important health information directly from your EHR, gaining patient confidence through timely push messaging to their mobile device.

Foster community

Leverage digital tools to reach out to unengaged patients in your network through essential messaging and foster a sense of loyalty to your healthcare system.

Broadcast essential updates to your patients now

Client Logos Eskenazihealth
Client Logos Zuckerberg
Client Logos Community Health
Cast a wide net with timely, relevant outreach to your patients