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Improved Communication for Healthier, Happier Patients

Doctor speaking with a patient in an exam room

The key to effective care comes through knowing your patient — and that means more than just looking at their chart. It means understanding their background, their concerns, and the personal experiences they have in your hospital. To get a better handle on patient needs and concerns, hospitals have been using rounding for years. Traditional rounding approaches, however, are often mired in outdated, manual processes that can take up excess staff time and fail to operationalize feedback in real time. Digital, purposeful rounding — using electronic means to solicit feedback and collect information from patients and their surroundings — leads to better patient outcomes, operational efficiencies, and improved staff well-being.

CipherRounds facilitates:

Effective Staff Resourcing

Taking the pen-and-paper out of rounding frees up staff members from manual tasks.

Improved Patient Satisfaction

Rounding on patients and using nurse leader rounding significantly increases HCAHPS likelihood-to-recommend scores.

Safer Patient Stays

Integrating fall risk scripts into patient rounding identifies and elevates these risks in real time for fast resolution.

In-depth Insights

Reporting and visualizations allow you to analyze and recognize trends to make smarter decisions.

Key Benefits:

Enable Better Care Outcomes

• Use physician and nurse manager alerts for questions or clinical issues that need fast resolution
• Instantly alert case managers for questions about post-discharge, transportation, follow-up, and more
• Ensure questions on lab results or prescriptions are flagged and addressed quickly

Achieve Excellence Through Insights

• Use scripts to help improve accuracy in real-time data collection and storage
• Leverage in-depth reporting to pinpoint long-term trends and areas for improvement

Improve Quality and Safety

• Flag environmental safety issues immediately
• Standardize safety checks and fall risk assessments, embedding them into existing workflows
• Address any food allergies, dietary restrictions, or concerns about food preemptively

Enhance Experience for Staff and Patients

• Create meaningful interactions that show patients you care about their needs and preferences
• Improve workflow and save staff time by integrating directly with your EHR
• Alert patient advocates seamlessly if patients have questions or concerns about their care

Get started today. Contact CipherHealth now and speak to us about your patient rounding goals.


Meaningfully connect with your patients to deliver more personalized, intelligent and timely care at scale