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Enhanced Appointment Reminders: Rescheduling

A woman smiling and viewing her Smartphone

Automate Appointment Rescheduling to Save Time and Reduce Costs

The typical process for rescheduling a healthcare visit is time consuming for patients and adds administrative burden for providers. Phone calls are inefficient, leading some patients to cancel or skip appointments, leaving gaps in your schedule. Unfilled appointments can negatively impact your revenue and could mean patients are missing important health visits.

CipherHealth provides a streamlined way to automate appointment rescheduling by communicating directly with your EHR. Our integration with Epic® App OrchardSM facilitates self-service appointment rescheduling via text message, keeping provider schedules full and reducing staffing needs for call centers.

Utilize CipherHealth’s Enhanced Appointment Reminders to:


Improve staff workflows and increase revenue

  • Reduce administrative costs associated with schedule management, capture real-time data to get a more complete view of the patient, and maintain your revenue stream by increasing fill rates.

Increase patient volume and loyalty

  • Grow patient volume by acquiring more new patients while keeping existing patients in-network, reducing leakage by offering a differentiated rescheduling process.

Enhance the patient experience

  • Increase digital engagement with patient populations and improve access to care through flexible rescheduling.


Get started today. Contact CipherHealth now and talk to us about improving your patient rescheduling workflows


Meaningfully connect with your patients to deliver more personalized, intelligent and timely care at scale