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Care Doesn’t End At Discharge — Reach Every Patient With Ease

A woman holding medication and viewing a computer

The days following discharge are some of the most critical points on the care continuum. Patients may be adapting to newly diagnosed conditions, learning new routines, or simply trying to readjust to life as normal. Although you’ve given them the best care possible under your roof, their health hinges on their ability to follow care plans, adhere to medications, and care for themselves once they’ve left your facility. It’s integral that every patient receive communications after they’ve left the hospital to ensure they understand their care plan and have everything they need, but doing that outreach manually can put additional strain on nursing teams. CipherHealth’s Post-Discharge Outreach solutions leverage automated outreach tools to follow up with every one of your patients in the way that makes sense for them. Customize outreach for conditions and individuals, reduce preventable readmissions, and offer real-time help for patients that need it.

CipherHealth’s Post-Discharge Outreach solutions facilitate:


Fewer Preventable Readmissions

  • Monitor patients after they’ve left the hospital and ensure they are adhering to post-discharge care plans.

Educated Patients and Caregivers

  • Help patients and their families understand care plans so they are empowered to recover healthily.

Real-time Intervention

  • Leverage live transfer capabilities to enable live support when patients need additional help.

Customizable Outreach

  • Reach patients in the way that makes sense with the right message—either preset or customized.

Key Benefits:

Reduce Costly Preventable Readmissions

  • Call or text every patient after discharge automatically to create meaningful touchpoints
  • Leverage real-time insights to identify patients most at risk of an adverse event
  • Use robust reporting to identify trends in outcomes, engagement, resolutions, and more

Ease Staff Workload

  • Reduce reliance on manual outreach and allow staff to focus on patient care
  • Seamlessly integrate with your EHR and other workflow systems to easily follow up, track, and analyze interactions

Use Effective Outreach Cadences

  • Automatically reach out to every patient within a predetermined time, and set customized cadences for additional touchpoints
  • Create cohort-specific outreach schedules for patients with specific conditions
  • Leverage ad hoc outreach capabilities to contact patients wherever appropriate

Enhance Patient Experience and Satisfaction

  • Offer assistance in scheduling follow-up appointments and procedures
  • Conduct outreach through SMS messaging, choosing the medium that’s right for every patient
  • Show patients you’re invested in their long-term health, even after they leave your facility

Get started today. Call CipherHealth now and speak to us about your post-discharge outreach goals.


Meaningfully connect with your patients to deliver more personalized, intelligent and timely care at scale