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Reduction in No-Show Rate


Estimated Appointments Added


Revenue Added2

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Case Study
Client: Community Health Network

Adding $3M in Additional Appointment Revenue Using Automated Appointment Reminders

With CipherHealth, we were able to enhance our appointment reminder program to send multiple, customizable reminders, helping us greatly reduce no-shows.

Julie O’Toole-Black
VP of Access & Operations
Community Health Network


Reduction in No-Show Rate


Estimated Appointments Added


Revenue Added2


The team at Community Health Network, a non-profit health system with more than 200 sites of care and affiliates throughout central Indiana, sought to find a flexible appointment reminder solution.

Why Community Health Network chose CipherHealth:

  1. Ability to integrate with their scheduling solution to allow patients to self-schedule
  2. Flexible messaging capability, given ever-changing visitor restriction guidelines during COVID-19
  3. Robust reporting and analysis to ensure the program was outcomes-driven
  • Compared to patients that did not respond to their 5-Day Standard Appointment Reminder confirmation, patients who responded were 70% less likely to no-show, 15% less likely to cancel and 14% more likely to complete their visit.
  • No-show rates for patients that did not respond to their 5-Day Standard Appointment Reminder confirmation were higher for certain departments like infectious diseases and gastroenterology.
  • Patients who were reached by any Appointment Reminder notification were 19% less likely to no-show compared to those that did not answer any call.

Post-Implementation of Automated Appointment Reminders

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