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Spotlight on: Registered Nurse Rita Taylor on Patient Follow Ups at NMHS

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Nurses are the backbone of patient care, often juggling numerous responsibilities to ensure that every patient receives the attention they deserve. At North Mississippi Health Services (NMHS), one nurse, Rita Taylor, stands out for her dedication and remarkable efficiency in patient follow-ups. 

Between October 1, 2022, and September 30, 2023, CipherHealth’s data shows that CipherOutreach reached out to 103,270 patients. For those patients who indicated a need for a follow up call, Rita achieved an impressive median callback time of 42 minutes. This success story highlights how automation can empower nurses to manage their workload effectively and still provide personalized care. 

Rita’s Story

Rita Taylor has been a registered nurse for 35 years and celebrated her 18th anniversary at NMHS this year. She has been working with CipherHealth since July 2019, becoming the cornerstone of the patient follow-up program. Rita’s role involves reaching out to patients who have been hospitalized with conditions such as CHF, COPD, heart attack, stroke, and sepsis. Her primary goal is to address their immediate needs, whether it’s a prescription issue or a follow-up appointment reminder. 

Building Relationships with Automated Patient Outreach

Her role has evolved significantly over the years. What started as clinical follow-up has transformed into a relationship-building exercise. Patients now recognize her voice and think of her as more than just a nurse — they consider her a friend. She has become a comforting presence in the lives of many patients who often have no one else to turn to.

One of the most striking aspects of Rita’s work is her ability to efficiently manage a high volume of calls. She receives alerts on her phone whenever a patient follow-up is needed. “That’s my priority whenever that alarm goes off. I stop whatever I’m doing and I go to my Cipher calls,” Rita said. This system allows her to prioritize and address patient issues promptly. She starts her day by reviewing her patients and continues working until all calls are made. 

Scaling Up the Patient Experience

Over time, Rita’s responsibilities have expanded. She now handles follow-ups for all seven campuses of North Mississippi Health Services  and has taken over Emergency Department (ED) callbacks and Community Hospital follow-ups. Despite the increased workload, Rita’s efficiency has not wavered. 

She said, “I started with only North Mississippi Medical Center-Tupelo. That was my only site. Someone else was doing the ED calls, which, at the time, were hundreds and hundreds. But with changing the script up and doing some different things, we’ve gotten that manageable.”

Beyond her automated calls, Rita goes the extra mile for her patients. They often rely on her for companionship and reassurance, knowing that she will call them regularly. This personal touch is crucial for patients who may not have any family or friends to support them. “Some of them don’t have family; they’re alone and they’re scared. So just to know that someone is out there that’s going to call them… It’s comforting to some people,” Rita said.

She added, “Every day at least once or twice a day, someone will tell me ‘I sure am glad that I talked to you. I sure am glad that you calmed me down or you gave me the information I needed.’”

Having a Profound Effect on Patient Outcomes

Her dedication has had a profound impact on many patients’ lives. One notable example is a patient who developed a severe wound infection and a high fever post-discharge. Rita advised her to go to the emergency room immediately. The patient was near sepsis, and the doctor later told the patient that without intervention her condition could have been fatal within a matter of hours. 

Rita ensures that her efforts are well-documented and communicated to her team. She participates in weekly internal meetings and monthly one-on-ones with her supervisor, providing detailed reports on her outreach efforts. This collaboration ensures that any issues are promptly addressed and that the entire team is aligned in their patient care goals.

“I have a lot of resources, which is wonderful working at the hospital. I have so many resources to call upon that if I can’t help them, I can find someone who can,” she said. 

Rita’s story is a powerful example of how automation can enhance the efficiency of healthcare professionals, allowing them to provide more personalized and effective care. Her ability to manage a high volume of patient follow-ups while building meaningful relationships with her patients is truly inspiring. At NMHS, Rita Taylor is not just a nurse; she is a lifeline for many.


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